Strings are derivative data type
of char data type , strings are used to store piece of text , name , address
and so on
We can say that strings are
sequence of character that is terminated by a null character which is \0 ,
well null character is a special character that signify the end of the string
well null character is a special character that signify the end of the string
Now let us see how to declare a string and use it in a program
Char name[20];
This is a string of char type of
size 20 , means the name variable can store up to 19 character in a sequence ,
Why 19 because the last place is already occupied by the null character , so in
order to allocate exact size we always give the size of the string one more
then the desired value , so if we look at our old box example the above will look
like something
There are two ways we can assign
value to a string one is at the time of declaration and one is user input, let
us see the former one first
Char name[20] = “hello world”;
We can also use a function to
copy a value in a string
strcpy(name,”hello world”);
here strcpy is a function and name is the string name and the "hello world" is the content that we want to write to the string
To display a string we use %s and string name
printf(“name of the string is %s”,name);
there are many ways of handling a
string but for now we will just focus on these for simplicity ,
To accept values from a user to a
string we write
String is the only data type in
which we do not need the ampersand sign
But there is a problem in this ,
if you write something like “hello world” the string will only read to the word
hello and when it find the white space it will stop ,
so in order to prevent this and command the scanf to scan to the end of the string we write
so in order to prevent this and command the scanf to scan to the end of the string we write
I know it looks difficult but the
following program will make it easy
char string_one[100];
printf("Please Enter Your Full Name \n");
printf("your name is .....%s\n",string_one);
This program accepts your full
name , store it in a string , and display the output
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