Relational operators and Selection Statement

Relational operators are operators which we use to evaluate two or more statements , like weather statement A is equal to statement B and so on , different relational operators are

 = =
Equal to operator
 ! =
Not equal to operator
Greater than operator
Less than operator
Greater than equal to
Less than equal to

These are our basic relational operator . But these operator does not work alone , they are used with other operators in order to get some output and these are called selection statements . 

Selection statements and relational operators have to work side by side in order to get result , so let us see what are selection statements and how we use relational operators with them

Selection Statements

These are used in a program to make logical decision which is the heart of programming language , so let us see different selection statement with working examples

If statement – in order to understand if statement let us consider a example , suppose you have a 
variable that stores age of a person and you want that if the age is above 80 you display a special message , so how you are going to do it , we do it with if statement and relational operator ,
The syntax for if statement looks like

if (condition)

So our above example will look like

If ( age > 80)
printf(“ Welcome sir ! you have made a long way “);

That is how if statement works , now if you want to display another message for those whose age is not 80 , we do it with if else statement , like this

If ( age > 80)
printf(“ Welcome sir ! you have made a long way “);
printf(“ Welcome sir”);

this is how we use if else statement , now imagine a situation in which we want to display multiple message based on multiple conditions , so in this situation we use else if statement like this

If ( age > 80)
printf(“ Welcome sir ! you have made a long way “);
else if(age >70)
printf(“ Welcome sir”);
else if(age >50)
printf(“good day”);
else if(age > 30)

This is how we use the if statement , we can use the if statement with all the relational operators to get the output

In order to understand the if statement let us make a program to accept a single number from the user from 0 to 9 and display a quote for each number

      int number;
      printf("Please enter a number between 0 to 9\n");
                if(number == 0)
                printf("I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past");
                else if(number == 1)
                 printf("You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself   
                 into one");
                 else if(number == 2)
                 printf("Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer");
                 else if(number == 3)
                 printf("To unpathed waters, undreamed shores.");
                 else if(number == 4)
                 printf("Hope is the dream of the waking man");
                 else if(number == 5)
                 printf("The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.");
                 else if(number == 6)
                 printf("The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams");
                 else if(number == 7)
                 printf("Imagination is more important than knowledge.");
                 else if(number == 8)
                 printf("Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions");
                 printf("Believe that you have it, and you have it");

This is a very simple program , just type a digit and it will display a message corresponding to the digit

Switch Statement

As we can see if statement can be very useful but switch is another selection statement that is widely used , unlike if statement switch statement only compare a single value with a multiple conditions , the switch syntax is

Case 1: printf(“statement “);
Case 2: printf(“statement “);
Case 3: printf(“statement “);
default: printf(“statement”);

Switch statement does not accept conditions or comparisons , it takes a value and evaluates according to the cases , we add a break; because if the required case is obtained then the program comes out of the structure saving resources , So the above example on quotes can be re-written as

      int number;
      printf("Please enter a number between 0 to 9\n");
                 case 0:
                 printf("I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past");
                case 1:
                printf("You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one");
                case 2:
                printf("Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer");
                case 3:
                printf("To unpathed waters, undreamed shores.");
                case 4:
                printf("Hope is the dream of the waking man");
                case 5:
                printf("The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.");
                case 6:
                printf("The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams");
                case 7:
                printf("Imagination is more important than knowledge.");
                case 8:
                printf("Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions");
                printf("Believe that you have it, and you have it");

This program also does the same thing  , just type a digit and it will display a message corresponding to the digit

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