These are the part of the program
that is processed before the actual compilation of the program , by processing
means substitution of some text by another
Let us take an example to make
this more clear
Suppose in our program we are
using the value pi a lot of time , so instead of writing the value again and
again we can write this before the main part
#define PI 3.14;
So now we can replace the value
with the word pi in our program like
PI * 20;
Or something like this
This is one of the pre processor
directive , we also have #include followed by the file name
The c pre processor makes the program more user friendly and readable
The following example will make
it more clear
#include<stdio.h> // #include pre processor
#define PI 3.14 // #define preprocessor
float radius
= 4;
float area;
area = PI *
(radius * radius);
area is %f \n",area);
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